Archive for the ‘Improv Scenes’ Category

Naked in the Wilderness

Escape to Toronto!

The Blitzcream Cake

A Therapeutic Breakthrough

Showdown at The Shoe Palace

Who is cursing whom?

Duodenum, Kidney and Rectum, oh my!

Downsizing the Circus

Cocaine vs Twinkies

The Stewardess and the CEO


Womanly Classes

Housewife Possessed by the Devil

Corporate Criminal in Post-Occupy America

Naked in the Wilderness

An Oklahoma virgin is entranced by a clipboard-wielding ranger with a very big belt buckle in this improvised scene by Betsy Morris and Lisa Martinovic.

Escape to Toronto!

After making enormous sacrifices to rescue Edith, Louise must dodge the unexpected as the couple flee to the land of tundra in this improvised scene by Jessica Davenport and Lisa Martinovic.

The Blitzcream Cake

Sometimes a cake is just a cake. Not so the Blitzcream Cake! It’s layered with meaning and suffused with history in this improvised scene by Betsy Morris and Lisa Martinovic

A Therapeutic Breakthrough

A therapist proposes an unorthodox prescription for a client in a hurry in this improvised scene by Jessica Davenport and Lisa Martinovic.

Showdown at The Shoe Palace

An innocent but determined shopper becomes willing to pay a shockingly high price for fashion in this improvised scene by Grace Hawkins and Lisa Martinovic.