Author Archive

Love living in a polarized world? Keep insulting “The Other”

When Samantha Bee tweeted that she “crossed a line” by calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt,” she didn’t mention that the line was not installed by the thought police or the religious right. The line she crossed was her own. 

In the apology aired on Full Frontal, she reminded viewers that she has used the C-word many times on her show — all part of a mission to reclaim it. Like some feminists, she wants to recast cunt

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Everyone’s Son

In the two years that elapsed between writing this song in 2017, and getting it produced and making the video, 30,303 Americans were killed with guns and another 44,000 took their own lives using guns.

With each new eruption of gun violence, we race to condemn the act along with the perpetrator. And while every loss of innocents is a tragedy, what of the fact that we live in a nation that generates this carnage with such frequency?

Everyone’s Son explores this question through the eyes of the deeply wounded men our country produces in abundance. Trying to understand the pain of

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Go Rogue with Me

Well, sir, ever since I learned of its existence I’ve wanted to join the Deep State. I’m sure you’ll find everything in order on my application. Experience in the field? Check! In fact, I’m currently working undercover as a member of a swim team. My mission is to hide in the deep end and spy on other swimmers from below. I bet you didn’t know that the older you get, the more flaccid your flesh becomes,

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Subcontinental Drift

yak-and-red-bestBryce Cranwell thought himself very clever. And he was, for a quant. Most quants were narrowly focused on using mathematical abstractions to help Wall Street extract profits from the real economy, but Cranwell had been taking classes in Personal Evolution and was now on track to get his Hero Belt, having already mastered the King and Warrior archetypes. This according to Nadine Tremblay who ran the School for Evolving Nerds. Nadine was an exacting coach. It was her idea for him

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Too Busy To Die

busy-bestAre you busy?
I’m busy
In fact, I’m so goddamn busy
it’s a miracle I found the time
to come down here and
tell you all about just how busy I am
and have been ever since I hit college
and discovered a whole world
ripe for salvation— by me!
Everything from nuclear proliferation to the rainforest
to the tyranny of cellulite
required my personal attention
God must have known I’d be so busy and not blessed me with children

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